Thursday, December 14, 2006

More boring Statistics

Last week, it was announced that every day, 12 Americans are murdered by illegal immigrants. The free-border crowd rebuts this with a classic... but 34 Americans are murdered by legal residents each day.

Regardless, simple math now tells us that illegal immigrants, who comprise about 3% of our population (according to the government), commit 26% of the murders in the US.

According to a recent report, 12% of the illegal immigrants that are inside of the United States are wanted for crimes in their own country. Imagine the United States if 12% of our population was classified as criminals. That means that ONE out of Every 8 people is a criminal, wanted by the police for a serious crime.

This country would collapse in a matter of months from the anarchy. At that time, illegal immigration and terrorism would be the least of our problems.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Attributed to Bill Gates - The Rules of Living

I recently received this email:

Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school. He talks about how feel-good, politically correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept set them up for failure in the real world.

Rule 1: Life is not fair - get used to it!

Rule 2: The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

Rule 3: You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.

Rule 4: If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.

Rule 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: they called it opportunity.

Rule 6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.

Rule 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.

Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.

Rule 9: Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time.

Rule 10: Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Candidates for President

My Rankings so far on Republican candidates for president, though there are still several possible candidates for me to evaluate:

  1. Romney
  2. Mccain
  3. Gingrich
  4. Giuliani
  5. Brownback

  1. Mccain
  2. Giuliani
  3. Brownback
  4. Romney
  5. Gingrich

Illegal Immigration:
  1. Gingrich
  2. Romney
  3. Mccain
  4. Brownback
  5. Giuliani

Social Issues (i.e. Abortion, Gay Marriage, School Funding, etc..)
  1. Romney
  2. Gingrich
  3. Brownback
  4. Mccain
  5. Giuliani
  1. Romney - 8
  2. Mccain - 10
  3. Gingrich - 11
  4. Brownback - 15
  5. Giuliani - 16

Friday, October 06, 2006

Left vs. Right - Why they will never get along

While listening to one of those famous talk radio shows last night, a thought was triggered in my mind that simply won't let go.

We constantly hear about partisanship, moderation, compromise and bilateral solutions... but tell me, when will our left-wingers and right-wingers ever be able to work together?

A few years ago, I thought that if a few key people would open their minds and listen to each other, many of the conservative and liberal differences could be minimized, and solutions reached to some of our large problems. However, now, I feel that this would be impossible.

The differences between the liberals and the conservatives in this country is actually based upon fundamental differences in what they believe in. Some examples are:

1. A fetus is not a "human" until it is born, vs. a fetus is a "human" from the point of conception. This difference seems minor when you read it, but the impact is millions of babies aborted each and every year in the United States.
2. Rehabilitation vs. Punishment - The thought that we are responsible for teaching criminals to be good citizens vs. the act of punishing people for evil things done. For example, men who sexually abuse girls under the age of ten for several years, than get 60 days in jail because the judge felt they were good citizens or whatever.... What happened to the believe that certain acts that we, as a society, have defined as crimes, MUST be punished?
3. Black and White vs. Gray - Standards are defined, and must be followed? or standards are defined but are simply a guideline which may be changed depending on your individual circumstances? Illegal immigrants get more rights/privileges than LEGAL immigrants, because they "are here because they are poor and desperate, and it's not THEIR fault!"

We are a country rapidly on the road to a revolution. The revolution may be peaceful, or it may become extremely bloody and violent. Until we start meaning what we say, and saying what we mean, than we are simply going to continue down this path. People MUST take responsibility for their actions, and must pay for the harm they do to others!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Crime Statistics

Data I found while looking into some other things... reports in this story the following data:

• In Los Angeles, 95 percent of all outstanding warrants for homicide (which total 1,200 to 1,500) target illegal aliens. Up to two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants (17,000) are for illegal aliens.

• A confidential California Department of Justice study reported in 1995 that 60 percent of the 20,000-strong 18th Street Gang in southern California is illegal; police officers say the proportion is actually much greater. The bloody gang collaborates with the Mexican Mafia, the dominant force in California prisons, on complex drug-distribution schemes, extortion, and drive-by assassinations, and commits an assault or robbery every day in L.A. County. The gang has grown dramatically over the last two decades by recruiting recently arrived youngsters, most of them illegal, from Central America and Mexico.

• The leadership of the Columbia Lil’ Cycos gang, which uses murder and racketeering to control the drug market around L.A.’s MacArthur Park, was about 60 percent illegal in 2002, says former assistant U.S. attorney Luis Li. Francisco Martinez, a Mexican Mafia member and an illegal alien, controlled the gang from prison, while serving time for felonious reentry following deportation.

Jewish World Review reports on the Washington Sniper Incident:

"Lee Malvo (the 17-year old who was one of the snipers) is an illegal alien from Jamaica who jumped ship in Miami in June 2001. He was apprehended by the Border Patrol in Bellingham, Wash., in December 2001, but was then let go by the INS district in Seattle in clear violation of federal law and contrary to what the arresting Border Patrol officers intended, according to my law enforcement sources."

The San Francisco Chronicle reports:

"Perez had been ejected from the club for unruly behavior, said Berkeley Police Captain Bobby Miller. About half an hour later, the suspect returned with a handgun, knocked on the door of the nightclub and shot Nadel once in the head at point-blank range when he answered the door."

"Miller said Perez is believed to be an illegal immigrant from Mexico and had recently been living in homes in Berkeley and Emeryville. Police said the suspect has apparently left the Bay Area, but it is unknown whether he is in Mexico."

Immigrations Human Costs.Org writes:

Simply read the story, it is about the true cost of Identity Theft and what it costs the victims in this "victimless crime".

Illegal Immigrants and Crime

Just a summary of headlines:

Illegal immigrant accused of impregnating 10-year-old girl

Mexican Immigrant Arrested in Boston

16-Year-Old Charged With Involuntary Manslaughter

Gang Terrorizes train in France
(not the US, but soon to be arriving here)

44 Indicted for Immigrant Visa Sham

Illegal Immigrant Crime Wave

And there are plenty more. Even here in Topeka, though the Topeka Capitol Journal hasn't bothered saying it, look at the Cabello case. How many of the "recent arrivals" to our town, who didn't speak English, were actually illegal immigrants?

The two people who were killed by Cabello? Cabello himself? the person riding with Cabello?

I could just keep posting more and more headlines, but do me favor... simply do a google search on "Illegal Immigrant Crime" and you will find tons of hits.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Which companies hire illegal immigrants

I have considered long and hard on this topic, and have decided that it is time for me to start a list of the companies in and around Topeka, KS that I know for 100% certain knowingly and willingly utilize illegal immigrants as the bulk of their work force in violation of Federal law.

In some cases, as noted, the employer also will NOT hire a legal immigrant or an American citizen for the "production" line work.

Reser's Foods, Topeka, KS
Concept Foods, Inc. Alma, KS (Contracted through Manpower, and will give any legal resident or US citizen a hard time if asking for an application for work)
Labor Pro, Topeka, KS
Manpower International (Topeka, KS). Though I am unaware of any illegal immigrants hired through the Topeka office, the Alma office dealt exclusively in the hire of illegal immigrants to the exclusion of legal workers. Manpower DID knowingly and willingly hire illegal immigrants, and DID knowingly and willingly discriminate against legal workers.

If you know of any company that KNOWINGLY and WILLINGINGLY hires illegal immigrants, or who simply has a lot of illegal immigrants working there "by accident", post here. This is a moderated topic, so your post will NOT appear, and I will keep all names anonymous. I will need to know the company name, address, telephone number, and I will need a statement of exactly what you personally have witnessed and seen that company do.

The Fall of the American Dream (or El Sueno Mexicano)

Recently, we have heard daily reports of Hezbollah rocket attacks into the civilian population of Israel. Even those who dislike Israel agree that Israel has not only the right, but the duty to defend it's sovereignity and its citizens.

Hezbollah, as the militant arm of radical Islam, has repeatedly denied Israel's very right to exist, rejected all Israeli attempts at compromise/appeasement, and has provoked/escalated the conflict wherever possible (except during the cease-fires where it has rearmed and reorganized). They have done this while hiding behind innocent and relatively non-violent Palestinian citizens, in an attempt to divert or minimize Israel's ability to conduct counter operations vs. valid military targets.

Many people who support Israel's right to self-defense, regardless of the cost in human life to those who decided that Israel was THEIR enemy, have asked us to consider how we here in the US would react if Mexican/Canadian radicals started to barrage cities inside our borders with deadly rockets.

However, it seems to me that for the last several decades, we have already been suffering from a constant attack by the Mexican government, and to a lesser extent the Chinese government. Up until now, we, the people of the United States, with duly elected representatives, have done absolutely nothing to stop this invasion. Worse, our government and a good percentage of our local employers have seemingly done everything they can to encourage and assist these invaders.

Until now, our federal government has done NOTHING to slow down, much less, stop, this invasion. Every statement/action they have taken has proven in hindsight to be nothing more than empty rhetoric or token actions.

Our state governments haven't done any better. Many encourage illegal immigrants to their state by providing driver's licenses, subsidized upper education, free medical, low-cost housing and of course, completely free education (with breakfast and lunch) to the children.

Our city and county governments act like ostriches burying their head in the sand, while shrugging their shoulders and blaming the federal/state governments, and saying, "There's nothing WE can do!"

We are currently facing major financial difficulties in the areas of education, healthcare, social welfare, and crime, and though these problems were not caused by illegal immigrants, their very presence significantly exacerbates the problems.

We have recently been hit with an extremely large tax increase in Kansas to finance our public education system for K-12. How much of this was caused by the presence of the children of illegal immigrants? Nobody can tell you because it is against the law for our schools to even ask if a person is a legal/illegal immigrant, much less compile statistics.

However, what is publicly available is the fact that a good percentage of our public school budget is being used to support ESL courses. In other words, to teach students who have limited/no proficiency in the English language. In my families experience, that vast majority (possibly 90%+ of the students in these courses) are children of illegal immigrants, or are illegal immigrants themselves. The classes that my step-daughter (a legal immigrant who has a primary language of Spanish) attended in Richardson ISD in Texas, she was the only student among about 30 who had actually migrated legally to the US.

The same problems can be encountered in our medical care system. Our most expensive health care, emergency room assistance, has now become the provider of choice of illegal immigrants for minor medicals issues such as the sniffles, cuts, scrapes, etc... A large percentage of these illegal immigrants than simply disappear leaving the American public to pay higher taxes/health insurance bills to finance their hospital visit. By law, hospitals also cannot ask the immigration status of a potential patient, nor can they refuse treatment for ANY emergency room patient due to the fact that there is no medical emergency present.

Our criminal justice system is also bogged down with crimes committed by illegal immigrants. Best estimates place the number of illegal immigrants as about 13 million people. This number represents about 3% of the US population. So why are approximately 30% of the people incarcerated illegal immigrants? These are criminals. They are not in jail for immigration violations. They are in prison for rape, robbery, murder, armed robbery, assault, etc... Does this mean that illegal immigrants are 10 times more likely to be a felon? Well, since they had to break at least one law to get to the US, it leads me to believe that illegal immigrants have more of a general tendency to break other laws.

Last but not least of our issues, is the financial crush that is placed on our social welfare system by illegal immigrants. Those who fraudulently (or even without fraud) obtain subsidized housing, food stamps, LIEAP, WIC, etc... For example, a family that used to live close to me, comprised of two illegal immigrants (mom and dad), and their two children, of which one was here illegally, and the other was a citizen by birth (yep, an anchor baby) in the US. Through their statements to my wife, they were paying $23/month in rent for their subsidized housing unit, which normally rented for $550. They also received food stamps (for the legal child), WIC, (for the legal child), free education, free busing (because of low income), free breakfast/lunch at school, LIEAP (to help pay the utility bills).

The normal cutoff for these programs for a family of this size is about $2000/month. However... since the adults in this family were here illegally, and thus, not able to "legally" hold a job, they were working under assumed names/SSN. Their actual income was over $2500/month. Of course, when you include the nearly $1000/month in subsidies, this same family was able to drive around in a brand new SUV, have their big-screen plasma TV, and of course, money to live their version of, "The American Dream".

After my wife told them she was going to report them for fraud, they mysteriously disappeared one weekend, and I haven't seen them since.

In another story, the Dallas Morning News recently did a series of articles on the Parkland Hospital located in Dallas. This is basically the community/indigent hospital, though it is most famous for being the hospital where JFK was taken after he was shot. This one story about the Parkland Hospital covered some astounding facts. It was reported that 70% of the obstetrics patients in the first quarter of 2006 were found, via survey, to be illegal immigrants. The estimated costs for pre/post-natal care and baby delivery for this one hospital, for one year, is about $52 million (estimated based upon 2004 statistics). For the year reported (2004), Parkland Hospital received $71 million from the State/Federal/County governments. Patient "donations" came to under $200,000.

Here in Topeka, the recent school finance debate was caused by a lawsuit filed by school districts in Salina and Dodge City. Though I couldn't find any financial information on the Dodge City School District, I was able to find some rather interesting information about the plaintiff district of Salina, USD #305 (

Over 20% of their school budget is dedicated to bi-lingual education. Rather than me telling you about their ESL costs, and the potential costs of illegal immigrants to our educational system, please read it for yourself in the Salina USD's response to a Kansas Survey.

In summary, the mass of illegal immigrants in the US, and the failure of our government to take ANY steps to slow down this invasion, is helping to run our social support infrastructure into the ground.

The most critical issue facing us in the face of this invasion, is the fact that Kansas, like most states, has NO requirement to prove your citizenship when you register to vote. Thus, an illegal immigrant can move in, show a copy of his water bill, and vote in the next election.

As of about 1.5 years ago, 17% of the registered voters in Kansas could not have their voter registration validated against any other registry in the State Government. In other words, they had no drivers license, no State ID, no Tax Return, etc... How many of these are illegal immigrants?

In 2005, there were 160,000 new voter registration applications filled out. 102,000 of those applications were either completely rejected (60,000), or resulted in new registered voters (42,000) who additionally could not have their name/ssn/driver's license number matched against any other state database.

I remember reading one time from a source that I can't remember, that, "The end of a democracy is guaranteed when the voters learn that they can vote themselves their bread and circuses!" (paraphrased). In other words, if we don't stop illegal immigrants from voting, than they will elect their own politicians, who in turn, will provide more rights/benefits to the illegal immigrants, and eventually, they will take over our political system.

If any of this information scares you, than please, contact ALL of your elected officials, at EVERY level, city/county/state/federal, and beg them to please do something to fight this invasion.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Future of our Country?

I recently read an article in the Dallas Morning News about Parkland Hospital located in Dallas.

News Story

I was actually shocked when I learned some of the costs associated with the medical care for illegal immigrants in a SINGLE AREA of medicine!

To Summarize...

For the year 2004: Parkland Hospital spent $70.7 Million Dollars on Obstetrics.
The federal government paid $44.1 Million
Dallas County paid $31.3 Million
Other income broke down as follows:

  • Patient Pay $0.1 Million
  • Commercial Insurance $0.8 Million
  • Tobacco Settlement $0.1 Million
  • Other Funds $2.1 Million
  • Etc...

Surplus at the end of the year was $8 Million dollars

Now... why does this shock me? 70% of the care provided by Parkland Hospital Obstetrics was provided free of charge to illegal immigrants!

In other words, for this ONE hospital, our government paid over $52 Million Dollars so that ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS could have a baby!

Some of the women presented later on in the story actually go so far as to say that they come to the US illegally to HAVE their babies, because it is cheaper and safer than having them in Mexico! Of course, it is cheap for THEM, but who actually pays? It is the rest of us paying through higher taxes, higher health insurance costs, and we simply accept it!

I'm sorry, but America, PLEASE look at what illegal immigration is doing to us!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

How I would Reform Immigration - The Summary Version

In case any of you haven't noticed, I am not an expert on all aspects of immigration law, however, here are the steps that I would take to resolve our current problems....

As I see it, there are multiple facets to this issue that must each be addressed in the appropriate order to ensure the sanctity of our borders while also minimizing the theoretical impact of kicking illegals out of the country. Of course, these points are the same as you hear on all the talk-shows, etc... but, I think that my suggestions may actually be effective:

1. Border Management
2. Labor Management
3. Legal Management
4. Rights Management

The first point, border management comes down to a simple issue... How much money are we willing to spend to keep people from illegally crossing our borders. This issue includes both or Northern and Southern land borders, as well as our Eastern and Western Ocean borders. This also needs to include the Gulf of Mexico and issuance of short-term Visas (i.e. Student, Tourist, Business, etc...).

When talking border management, the goal is not only to stop immigrants from illegally crossing, but also to stop the entry of terrorists, illicit drugs and possibly black-market goods.

The second point, labor management needs to address various requirements, both from the US Employers side and the decent treatment of immigrant workers.

The third point, legal management, needs to address several different areas such as the status of illegal immigrants in our country, employers who use (and sometimes abuse) these illegal immigrants, and the possible future options of those same immigrants (i.e. how to stay in the country, when the immigrant must leave, etc...)

The last point covers the rights that immigrants coming to this country should have when coming to this country LEGALLY.

My Plan - The Summarized Version:

1. Utilize a combination of technology and military force (national guard) to make the effort to enter our country illegally becomes more than the benefit of entering our country illegally.
2. Modify existing penalties for employers to include a mandatory fine of $50,000+ PER INCIDENT (i.e. 100 people working for a company would be 100 incidents). The goal being to make companies consider twice before they decide to use illegal labor.
3. Create a employment management division of immigrations, which would basically be a government managed, third-party contracted business of pre-screening applications, and matching up employees with companies who want unskilled labor. This division would be very similar to a current temp employment agency, with the exception that they would also be required to obtain full identification, background checks and health checks prior to matching an employee to an employer.
3a. Employer must provide a reasonable level of health insurance (level to be determined by experts) for all employees utilized.
3b. Employee will not be eligible for citizenship, or in change of Visa Status. Employee will not pay into social security, nor be eligible for social security. Income taxes will be paid as a "single - no dependents" employee via TIN or SSN at the Federal, State and Local taxes.
3c. Visa should be issued for six months, can be renewed ad infinitum as long as the Employer does not change. Employer may ask for employees by name from the screening agency.
3d. Employees with previous experience with an employer have first right for new seasons in areas that have seasonal employment.
3e. Employees cannot sponsor other people's visas, nor can their status be used to provide a guarantor on a visa.
4. Legal immigration MUST be streamlined. A person requesting the immigration of their own children/step-children or a spouse will have a temporary visa issue allowing that family member to enter the country to await the permanent resident visa. Whether the visa is a family visa, working visa, tourist or student visa, it should be much quicker to obtain.
5. Family status will have NO impact on deportation proceedings. A person illegally (or legally) in this country that has a child, which would make the child a US Citizen under current common interpretation of law, is still eligible for deportation. Said child CAN be taken with the illegal alien back to the country of their citizenship.

This is a summary of my views, and for the full version of how I would address the illegal immigrant problem in the US, you will have to wait just a couple more days....

Saturday, April 15, 2006

I suicide for illegals?

According to the LA Times in THIS STORY, a 14-yr old boy who skipped school to attend a pro-immigrant rally ended up committing suicide at his home after being suspended for truancy.

According to other reports that I have read in off-line reading (meaning, our morning paper), this child was reported truant because rather than attending the pro-criminal immigration rally, he went to a soda shop, than ended up back in school in time for lunch, after which he left for the day...

So was he truant? did he go to protest? or was he simply taking advantage of the walkout to skip classes?

Personally, I find it a tragedy that this child felt he had to take his own life.

However, rather than blame it on the "school Vice Principal" (even if he did say what he was reported to have said), let's put the blame squarely where it lies. On his own mother and father.

People do NOT commit suicide on a spur-of-the-moment whim.

This may sound cruel, however, this boy obviously had MANY more major issues than the fact that the US legislature was wanting to pass a law that would not directly affect him or his family.

And now, let the illegals and their coordinators try to use this as a "martyr" for their criminality.

Or better yet, simply try to close down American businesses in Mexico by having a short term boycott on them, when you also "walk-out" in the US. Hey, I have an idea, don't go to work at the American stores in Mexico either... and miss that day's pay.... Better yet, take a MONTH off, and see how much we are going to be hurting!

Oh? you can't? because you can't afford to miss that much work? I thought you were willing to sacrifice? Isn't that what this is all about? how much you have "sacrificed" to come here and live an illegal life?

One of the most ignorant comments that I keep hearing is, "If we give them amnesty, we will bring them out into the open! If we try to punish them, we will only drive them deeper underground!" Excuse me, but... aren't the illegals living in the shadows right now? Oh yeah, you're right, because of the liberal viewpoint that they should be supported, illegals are no longer afraid of telling the world about themselves, because they know that immigrations won't do anything about it.

What used to be right and what used to be wrong, is now simply a bunch of grey area that permits criminal to thrive (and puts money into their lawyers pockets).

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Letter to Senator Sam Brownback on Immigration Reform

This is a copy and paste version of the e-mail I sent to Senator Sam Brownback:

To the Honorable Senator Sam Brownback:


Any position that allows an illegal immigrant to remain in the United States while awaiting a transition to "legal" status is wrong.

When I applied for my wife and step-daughters Visas in 1995, I was in New York, they were in Bolivia. After two years and three months waiting on the Visas, I resigned my position and moved to Bolivia to reunite the family. In 2000, I moved back to the US alone looking for work due to the crash of the Bolivian economy, once again, leaving my wife, step-daughter and son. FINALLY, in December of 2001, the Visa's were finally approved, and in January of 2002, my entire family was reunited in the US.

6.5 years to obtain a Visa for my WIFE, AFTER we had children.

The reason? Well, mainly because the Embassy in Bolivia kept requiring "evidence" that the paperwork we had wasn't "purchased" paperwork for obtaining a Visa using a false name.

As I was born and raised in Kansas, and as I had family here in Kansas, while I was in Bolivia, my family asked of your office for some assistance in clearing the red-tape (late 1998 or 1999 or so), and were told that "he's not one of our constituents".

Well, your support for ILLEGAL immigration and your refusal to support my family trying to immigrate LEGALLY is very disappointing. You have lost a Republican Vote, and I WILL be publicizing this as much as possible.

I would rather have Hillary Clinton supporting me as my Senator, as I would expect this from her.

You Sir are a coward for not standing up for what is RIGHT, and you are a hypocrite for supporting illegal aliens more than American Citizens.

Go get your Mexican flag, and head out to Alma, Junction City and all points West to campaign with all these newfound illegals as voters!

You Hypocrite!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

People Protesting for Illegal Immigrants

People make a big deal of how 500,000 people protested in LA to protect the "rights" of the illegal immigrants.

Yes, this is definitely a lot of people!

However, how many of those 500,000 people were illegal immigrants? Who we were going to start calling felons!

How many MORE people would we have protesting if we decided to outlaw Christianity? How many MORE people would we have protesting if we decided that we were going to make people dealing in sexually oriented areas FELONS? How many more people would we have protesting if we decided that the food stamp program should be discontinued?

I dare to say that if any of those situations happened, we would easily exceed the 500,000 protesting in Los Angeles. And we would DEFINITELY have more people across the US protesting!

But the main difference would be, in all of those cases, we would be taking a legal privilege/right, and making it illegal!

In the current protests, we are doing nothing more than emphasizing that illegal behaviour is still illegal behaviour.

Many arguments are thrown out by the protestors:
  1. Americans are anti-immigrant
  2. Americans are racist against hispanics
  3. This country (SW US area) is traditionally Spanish and belongs to us
  4. This policy will break apart families

Well, let me address these issues...

  1. I am not anti-immigrant, in fact, my wife and step-daughter are both immigrants! I fully support LEGAL immigration.
  2. Racist? I love my family, who ALL have at least 1/4 Hispanic and 1/4 Japanese blood. Oh my gosh! My wife is 1/2 Japanese and 1/2 South American Latino! Ruh roh, I've got Irish, English, French and Indian (american type) blood IN ME!!! Better figure which one of those nationalities I am and kick all the rest out!
  3. Your country? Since when have we had a border dispute with Mexico? Of course, even so, we have it, we hold it, we improved it, so no, it is NOT yours! And if it WAS yours, than the people there would have voted a long time ago to join Mexico. Remember the Mexican/American war? You lost!
  4. Who cares? Nobody told these immigrants to come here illegally KNOWING that they could be deported at any time, and said, "Hey, fall in love with that person, and marry them!" Children born and raised here? Fine, we are not separating the family, we are simply deporting an illegal immigrant. You can feel free to take your family with you.

These protests are bogus in that I feel that a VERY high percentage are illegals who are simply afraid of the US actually ENFORCING existing laws. They have lived here KNOWING that they are here illegally, and KNOWING that they could be deported at any time, and these protests are simply to show that they won't allow us to enforce our own laws, in our own country, without a fight.

Oh, the school children walking out of school? How many of THEM were illegals?

Immigrants, I welcome you with open arms! Illegals, if they ever allow it, I will shoot you on sight! I detest you, I detest your ignorance, and I detest your mightier than though because I'm getting away with breaking the law!

Vuelve te a su propio pais!!

US Congress Bill for stopping (ROFL) illegal immigration

I wish that this were good news!

Unfortunately, the US Senate (with the able assistance of our Kansas State Senator Sam Brownback), had just thrown out the House of Representatives effort to address illegal immigration.

Their solution is.... Amnesty! Oh, but.... it's not an amnesty!!! They have to pay a $2000 fine! and then it will STILL take 11 years to obtain citizenship! AND have a guest worker program to allow people to CONTINUE coming in (not even content with the 10-22 Million people we're already going to forgive, huh?)

Problems that I see going forward with this crazy idea:

1. Amnesty - Simply creates MORE incentive for illegal immigrants to find better and better ways to force their way into our country. What incentive do they have for NOT coming now?
2. Blessing of Family - How many of these illegal immigrants are men or women who are in the US alone? having left their spouse and family behind to come here for a few years, make their money, and get out? With amnesty and "permanent residence", they can now invite their children, spouse, and parents to come. Thus, where we currently have one illegal, we are now going to say, ok, you can stay DESPITE your disregard for our laws, and sure, bring in your spouse, five kids, your parents, and your spouses parents, for a total of TEN more immigrants!
2a. Also, once they are here, the parents can then sponsor all of their other children to immigrate to the US, and through them, their children and spouses, etc...
3. Enforcement - For those illegals who choose NOT to register because they are afraid of what their background investigations will find.... how do you track them down?
4. For guest workers who come to the country legally, than have a child here, and the child is a US citizen, how do you than say they must leave the country?
5. Current immigrations law requires a legal immigrant to have a SPONSOR and a GUARANTOR! Who will be the sponsor of these illegals? Who will be the guarantor? The job of the guarantor is to provide economically for the immigrant in the case that immigrant does not "make it" economically. This is to ensure that the Government is NOT responsible economically until that same immigrant has completed a certain amount of time inside the US and working!

Here is my attempt at a solution...

1. NO amnesty!
2. Change the following laws:
a. Children born inside the US, that do not have a father or mother who is a PERMANENT legal resident or US Citizen, do not automatically get US Citizenship.
b. Guest workers may bring their spouse and children only.
c. Illegal immigrants, and immigrants who overstay their Visa are considered felons. When found, by ANY law enforcement agency, they must be arrested, and deported as soon as possible. The only exceptions would be for immigrants from those select countries (i.e. Cuba) where refugee status is appropriate.
d. In the case that this foolish amnesty becomes law.... Do NOT allow any of these newly legal immigrants to sponsor ANY other immigrants until such time as they obtain US Citizenship.
e. In the case that this foolish amnesty becomes law.... Require that these people who so desire to live in the US and become citizens STAY here. No more visits out of country until such time as they have proven that yes indeed, they really DO want to become US citizens.
3. Any immigrant, legal, illegal, etc... found GUILTY of any type of felony crime must serve out a criminal sentence in the US, than be deported, regardless of family ties or circumstances.
4. Employers MUST be punished for utilizing illegal workers. A non-negotiable $10,000 per instance fine would be acceptable. In other words, if an illegal worked for 5 days at a company, that company would be liable for a $50,000 fine. And if this means a company closes down because of stupidity, than they should not have utilized illegal workers.
a. Trying to say "They showed us their SS card and their proof of legal residency" does not cut it. When you have one name on the payroll, and they use a TOTALLY different name with their co-workers, and they constantly sign the payroll using a different name (yes, I have seen this, and I saw the company turn a blind eye to it, i.e. Hey, you need to come sign the payroll again using the right name).
5. Step up border enforcement, both over land and over sea. Authorize the use of deadly force, as this IS an invasion of our borders.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Children in School - Why USD 501 needs some changes

As someone who is frequently considered "cold" and "unemotional", I found myself crying the other evening. My son, who recently turned eight, was lamenting the fact that he has no friends, while his older sister enjoys and abundance of friends (some might say an over-abundance).

After considering for a while, I realized that this was true, my son really has not ever had a single friend his own age.

But let me give you some background...

At the age of three, my son was diagnosed in Panama City, Panama with an "extreme" case of ADHD, developmental disorders, and possible autism. Once US Immigrations finally (after 6.5 years of waiting) approved his mother's (my wife of 13 years) Visa to enter the US, it took us nearly another 1.5 years of waiting to finally get my son in to see a specialist doctor on a full time basis (have to love our insurance system).

So just as my son was turning six, he was given a diagnosis of Severe ADHD and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD). The Doctor also stated that it was possible that he had autism.

Our current Doctor has given a diagnosis to my son of ADHD, PDD, with significant indication of High-Functioning Autism, and we are currently waiting on a referral to the KU Med Center Autism unit. We are unsure of when the KU evaluation will be.

So... By now you are asking, "What does this have to do with USD 501?".

The answer is simple. USD 501 has recently made significant changes to the way it treats people with "invisible" disabilities, and these changes are made in the interest of "progress" and "financial efficiency" rather than actually helping out the students in this class.

According to USD 501, all children with the "invisible" disabilities, but who can have a limited interaction with other children in their age group, are "emotionally disturbed". This is the only definition they can be given under our current special education program.

My sons current teacher is wonderful. She cares about every single one of her special students, however, she is given minimal assistance with these children. There are about 10 students in her classroom, and I would estimate that maybe 3 of the students are there for medical disability, and the remainder are there for behavioral/emotional disturbances.

She has one para-professional assisting her.

Right now, she is busy working with the children every moment. She doesn't get a planning period, she doesn't get a break, she doesn't get a rest, because she puts the children above herself. I visited the school to chat with her the other day, and our chat occured while she was trying to eat her lunch, while watching about 8 of her students spend their "study" time reading books on the floor of the gym.

As she was discussing my son with me, calling different children up to give them their "tokens" for good behaviour, calling down other children for not doing what they were supposed to be doing, and meanwhile, she was trying to eat her lunch. I am very impressed with her dedication to our children. Unfortunately, this was the largest "break" that she had all day.

Continuing at this pace, while being expected to spend one-on-one time with each student, deal with each child's individual social, behavioral, emotional and psychological issues, while also trying to keep parents informed of progress and problems..... I just don't see how she can continue this pace for long.

USD 501 NEEDS to support our children, and to come up with a way that our special ed students are PROPERLY classified, and treated as they are diagnosed, not as a one size fits all students solution.

Than, after having individual plans (isn't that what an IEP is for?????), we need to actually provide sufficient help/support to the professionals who are responsible for completing these plans.

The current policies have too many cracks our children can slip through, too many parents who don't care, and too few professionals who are willing to put up with the pressure cooker of our special ed for too little pay.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Followup Info on College Hill Eminent Domain

After exchanging emails with Brendan Long, the attorney for the city of Topeka, he sent me a link to the proposed redevelopment plans made by the city of Topeka for the college hill area:

Though the proposed retail redevelopment on this was limited to South of 15th street, this could be enough to come into compliance with Kelo.

Though I still believe that eminent domain in this case would be wrong, the city might have also been legally covered by having a plan in place for the nearby area, and in which the city was saying that something did in fact need to be done.

Fortunately, the interested parties have come to an agreement, and we don't have to find out!

Monday, February 13, 2006

The Job Impact of Illegal Immigration

Over the last few years, after I came back to Kansas, I have talked to numerous people about illegal immigration, and discussing how adamant I am about it's wrongness, recommendations on what we can do about it, and of course, discussing the issues that affected my wife's immigration.

I NEVER found a proponent of illegal immigration, and it was rare that I found someone who did not support the quick return of illegals to their own country, with no exceptions.

I was talking to a friend of mine one day, and he actually astonished me with how adamant he was that illegals should be rounded up and deported without mercy. This friend insisted that illegals were causing the increases in crime, the increase in his property tax, and also the reason why he could no longer afford a lot of his medical bills.

It was great to find a kindred soul!

However, a couple weeks later, he was telling me about replacing a roof on a house that he owned. He told me he had been able to hire 10 guys for $50/day each, and by hiring them, he was going to save about $1000/day from hiring legal workers (i.e. he knew they were illegal).

I simply stared at him with a blank look, and walked away.

This incident really did happen, and I'm sure that it happens much more often than we think. However, isn't this something good? Isn't he getting a job done and saving a lot of money while doing it?

However, here are some of the things that must be considered when telling if he really did save money, and if this was something good:

  1. How many legal residents made money from this job?
  2. How much would legal residents have made in tax money from this job?
  3. How much does it cost to provide emergency room medical treatment for these illegal workers?
  4. How much higher are our taxes to support these illegal workers children in our schools?

So did he really save money on the job? Maybe on his direct expenses. But, he also ended up paying more in his property taxes and sales taxes to pay for the education and medical for those same workers.

Anyways... This post took about a month from the time I started it to now. And the national debate on illegal immigration has come to the forefront, so I'm going to quit on this series and start talking about more issues (including immigration).

The Law of Immigration - Part 2 - Family Immigration

Many people assume that if a foreign citizen marries an American citizen, that the foreign citizen is automatically granted full privileges to enter and live in the US as a legal resident.

However, sadly to say, this just is not the case. I learned this the extremely hard way!

As a little bit of background, my wife is a Japanese/Latino lady who was born and raised in a Japanese colony just outside of Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Her father is Japanese, living in Nagasaki, Japan, and her mother is Bolivian, living in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Her father returned to Japan about 15 years ago to live in a retirement/nursing home due to health issues, and her mom stayed in Bolivia due to not wanting to live in Japan ;)

Anyways, I met my wife while I was in the US Navy, stationed in Japan, and we married shortly after I was discharged from the Navy and my return to Japan, where I worked for an extremely large multi-national financial institution. About a year into our marriage, our first child, a daughter who is now 11 (wow, 12 years old this week) was born. A few months after our daughters birth, I was offered, and accepted a significant promotion to relocate to the bank's global headquarters in New York City.

Due to paperwork issues, I went to NYC and started working, while my wife travelled to Bolivia in the heart of South America to get some original and certified copies of specific documents required for her Visa. Once she obtained those documents, I flew to Bolivia, we travelled to the US Embassy in La Paz, where we submitted her application for entry into the US.

Though we were told that the process would take from 3-4 months, suffice it to say that after nearly 2.5 YEARS, I resigned my NYC position, and emigrated to Bolivia to be with my family. When the Bolivian economy crashed in late 1999/early 2000, I was forced by economic necessity to come back to the US, where finally, after getting Senator Phil Gramm involved, the US Embassy in Bolivia FINALLY issued my wife her Visa. Total time to obtain the Visa was 6.5 years. (btw... Senator Brownback told my parents from Kansas that there was nothing he could do since I, who was born and raised in Kansas, was not living here currently, even though he was the chairman of the US Senate Committee on Immigrations at the time.)

The major excuse that was provided to us by the Embassy personnel for the delay? The excuse was that an extremely large number of people trying to immigrate ILLEGALLY to the US were purchasing people's documents in an attempt to obtain legitimate Visas, and thus, even though I myself, a US Citizen, presented the documents IN PERSON, they needed more verification.

In and of itself, this is one of the reasons why I SOOOOO detest illegal immigrants more than any other reason.

So please, the things I ask of people on this topic are simple...
  1. Please do not assume that illegal immigrants do not cause harm to other people. They do!
  2. Please do not assume that if they are latino and don't speak English, that they are illegal!
  3. Please do not assist illegals in continuing the harm that they cause. Do not provide jobs to them of any sort.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

The Law of Immigration - Part 1 - The Legality of Anchor Babies

This will probably become a multi-part posting as my views of immigration and illegal immigration are many, and very dear to my heart.

To start off, I fully support the immigration of people to the United States with the intention of working and/or becoming US Citizens.

What I disagree with, is the rampant illegal immigration of people to the United States for whatever reason and the failure of the US Government to take any significant measures to reduce or halt this invasion.

The explosive growth in the number of illegal immigrants to the United States can be traced to numerous reasons, whether it is to escape tyranny, flee from a hostile environment, or simply in search of the American Dream, each illegal immigrant will have his/her reason for shortcutting the legal immigration process, to cross the border and enter the US illegally.

There are many myths concerning illegal immigrants, and some of the ones that I will address in this letter (and later letters) can possibly do much to dispell these myths. Some of the things I will be addressing are:
  1. The Legality of Anchor Babies
  2. She's my wife and mother of my children so she automatically gets a Visa, right?
  3. Illegal Immigrants are good for our country because they provide cheap labor!
  4. Illegal Immigrants only take the jobs that Americans don't want!
  5. There's Nothing I can do about this (or... It's a Federal Problem)!
  6. And more (as I ponder carefully)

The first and foremost issue that I want to address is the Legality of Anchor Babies:

Currently, and baby born in the United States is automatically granted US Citizenship. In addition, any baby born overseas with a documented US Parent is granted this same US Citizenship. A baby born to an illegal immigrant inside of the US is also granted automatic citizenship in the US.

Historically, babies born inside of the US to parents who NOT citizens or LEGAL permanent residents (hence, illegal immigrants), have been granted this same US Citizenship. However, to prevent a separation of the child from his/her parents, the US Immigrations Service (formerly US INS) allowed the parent(s) to become legal residents based upon the citizenship of the child.

However... according to the Immigration and Nationality Act (Links will be added once the site is working correctly again), which is the controlling law over immigration in the United States, a child CANNOT sponsor his/her parents until the age of 21!

So what law do the immigration authorities quote when they offer to let illegal immigrants who have their "anchor baby"? Well, there is none that I have ever heard or seen, it all seems to be the "Well, it would be cruel and inhumane to separate a child from their parents by deporting the parents!"

In my humble opinion, this is WRONG! The parents have no legal status in our country, regardless of the citizenship of their child. The child has no "ties" to this country, other than the fact that his/her parents were breaking the law when the baby was born, and thus, there is nothing tying the child to this country. Thus, why can the parents not TAKE THE ANCHOR BABY back to their country of origin? The family would not be separated, the child would still be an American Citizen (eligible to immigrate to the US legally after 21 years), however, the parents who VIOLATED the law, would not receive unfair benefit from their illegal action.

Some people than ask, "But, wouldn't that be cruel to someone who couldn't/wouldn't take the baby back with them?" This is a choice of the babies parents! If the parents choose to abandon their child here in the US, than there are agencies available that can take appropriate custody of the child for care and/or adoption. This is not the best solution, however, this would only be based upon the abandonment of the child by the parents.

Once again, let's NOT reward people for breaking the law, let's punish them.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Law of Eminent Domain

At the heart of the law of Eminent Domain, and the battles which have erupted, especially since 06/23/05 when the Supreme Court ruled in the case of "Kelo et al V. City of New London Connecticut et al", is the Fifth Amendment.

If you listen to talk radio (which I do a lot of), you have probably heard of many cases of cities now taking over peoples homes and small businesses in favor of bigger businesses/developers. Simply to raise their tax base.

We currently have a case going on in the city of Topeka, KS where an out-of-town development group has joined forces with a local commercial real estate agent, who (in my opinion only) is one of the slimier people I've ever had the displeasure to meet, to redevelop a small portion of Topeka known as College Hill.

The developers have acquired all the appropriate properties in the area, with the exception of two properties, Oscar's, which is a small bar, and Jerry's Bike Shop, which amazingly enough, is a bike shop. The owner of these two properties (also, Jerry owns his house which is located behind his shop) have refused the offers from the developers, stating that it was not sufficient money to cause them to want to move.

The offers ARE very nice, and if someone were to make a similar offer to me on property which I own, I would probably take it.

Since I have paid particular attention to the bike shop, I will focus specifically on it, and from here on it, if I say something like, "The Property", I am talking specifically about Jerry's house and his bike shop.

The County has assessed the property at about $74,000. The developer assessed the property at about $100,000. The developer has made an offer of $300,000 for the property, and is also willing to provide a set of similar (slightly bigger to tell the truth) properties, located just outside the development area. Jerry has made a counteroffer of $1.8MM, which is to cover relocating and reopening his business/house, and also a significant amount of money to help finance his retirement, in case the business fails in its new home (hmmm, it's just across the street from his current location).

However, here is where the usage of eminent domain is wrong.

The developer has gone whining to the city, that if this situation isn't resolved quickly, they will have to cancel the development project, because it would mean that they could not have the apartments open in time for the Fall, 2007 opening of our local University (Washburn University, about 2 blocks from the development).

So, the city is now threatening to use Eminent Domain to take these final properties, to turn over to the developer, so they can get the $25MM investment, and remove a section of older and run down buildings from the city.

In this case, the usage of Eminent Domain, as decided in the earlier mentioned supreme court decision is not appropriate, nor is it legal.

This is a clear violation of the Fifth Amendment of the US Constitution, and there is no other way in which to justify the usage of Eminent Domain. Also, it is wrong. When you have to decide between right and wrong, and it is clear cut that this is wrong, you simply don't do it.

To Jerry: I hope that you can reach an acceptable value, as the city really does need this development.

To the Developers: I hope that you quit dreaming that people will bend over backwards for your money.

To the City: Keep your nose out of other peoples business. Make the city safe, don't get involved in private business matters!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Who am I and what do I stand for?

I have travelled throughout the world and have seen many miraculous things and many heartwrenching things throughout those travels.

I have been rich, and I have been poor. I've worked for the big bucks, and also for near minimum wage. I've been a member of the majority population, I've been a member of a minority population.

I have had many successes, and I have had many failures.

I have lived everywhere from the tropical jungle of South America to the moderate to cold temperatures of Japan.

I have lived in a fairly closed society, I have lived in an extremely open society.

I have rubbed shoulders with the rich and the famous, I have spent the night sleeping in cars to avoid having to sleep on the homeless streets.

I have been to war, and know that at the end of the day, there is a right and a wrong worth fighting for. I don't regret it.

But the most important thing that has happened, is that regardless of the experience, I have learned from it.

The postings on this blog are my opinion of life, liberty, happiness and/or the pursuit thereof. I figure that very few people will agree with me on everything, however, I would also be willing to think that everyone will agree with me on something.

If you agree, let me know, if you don't, let me know. But please, if you don't agree, don't simply tell me that I am wrong, please teach me how I am wrong.