I have considered long and hard on this topic, and have decided that it is time for me to start a list of the companies in and around Topeka, KS that I know for 100% certain knowingly and willingly utilize illegal immigrants as the bulk of their work force in violation of Federal law.
In some cases, as noted, the employer also will NOT hire a legal immigrant or an American citizen for the "production" line work.
Reser's Foods, Topeka, KS
Concept Foods, Inc. Alma, KS (Contracted through Manpower, and will give any legal resident or US citizen a hard time if asking for an application for work)
Labor Pro, Topeka, KS
Manpower International (Topeka, KS). Though I am unaware of any illegal immigrants hired through the Topeka office, the Alma office dealt exclusively in the hire of illegal immigrants to the exclusion of legal workers. Manpower DID knowingly and willingly hire illegal immigrants, and DID knowingly and willingly discriminate against legal workers.
If you know of any company that KNOWINGLY and WILLINGINGLY hires illegal immigrants, or who simply has a lot of illegal immigrants working there "by accident", post here. This is a moderated topic, so your post will NOT appear, and I will keep all names anonymous. I will need to know the company name, address, telephone number, and I will need a statement of exactly what you personally have witnessed and seen that company do.
Monday, August 14, 2006
The Fall of the American Dream (or El Sueno Mexicano)
Recently, we have heard daily reports of Hezbollah rocket attacks into the civilian population of Israel. Even those who dislike Israel agree that Israel has not only the right, but the duty to defend it's sovereignity and its citizens.
Hezbollah, as the militant arm of radical Islam, has repeatedly denied Israel's very right to exist, rejected all Israeli attempts at compromise/appeasement, and has provoked/escalated the conflict wherever possible (except during the cease-fires where it has rearmed and reorganized). They have done this while hiding behind innocent and relatively non-violent Palestinian citizens, in an attempt to divert or minimize Israel's ability to conduct counter operations vs. valid military targets.
Many people who support Israel's right to self-defense, regardless of the cost in human life to those who decided that Israel was THEIR enemy, have asked us to consider how we here in the US would react if Mexican/Canadian radicals started to barrage cities inside our borders with deadly rockets.
However, it seems to me that for the last several decades, we have already been suffering from a constant attack by the Mexican government, and to a lesser extent the Chinese government. Up until now, we, the people of the United States, with duly elected representatives, have done absolutely nothing to stop this invasion. Worse, our government and a good percentage of our local employers have seemingly done everything they can to encourage and assist these invaders.
Until now, our federal government has done NOTHING to slow down, much less, stop, this invasion. Every statement/action they have taken has proven in hindsight to be nothing more than empty rhetoric or token actions.
Our state governments haven't done any better. Many encourage illegal immigrants to their state by providing driver's licenses, subsidized upper education, free medical, low-cost housing and of course, completely free education (with breakfast and lunch) to the children.
Our city and county governments act like ostriches burying their head in the sand, while shrugging their shoulders and blaming the federal/state governments, and saying, "There's nothing WE can do!"
We are currently facing major financial difficulties in the areas of education, healthcare, social welfare, and crime, and though these problems were not caused by illegal immigrants, their very presence significantly exacerbates the problems.
We have recently been hit with an extremely large tax increase in Kansas to finance our public education system for K-12. How much of this was caused by the presence of the children of illegal immigrants? Nobody can tell you because it is against the law for our schools to even ask if a person is a legal/illegal immigrant, much less compile statistics.
However, what is publicly available is the fact that a good percentage of our public school budget is being used to support ESL courses. In other words, to teach students who have limited/no proficiency in the English language. In my families experience, that vast majority (possibly 90%+ of the students in these courses) are children of illegal immigrants, or are illegal immigrants themselves. The classes that my step-daughter (a legal immigrant who has a primary language of Spanish) attended in Richardson ISD in Texas, she was the only student among about 30 who had actually migrated legally to the US.
The same problems can be encountered in our medical care system. Our most expensive health care, emergency room assistance, has now become the provider of choice of illegal immigrants for minor medicals issues such as the sniffles, cuts, scrapes, etc... A large percentage of these illegal immigrants than simply disappear leaving the American public to pay higher taxes/health insurance bills to finance their hospital visit. By law, hospitals also cannot ask the immigration status of a potential patient, nor can they refuse treatment for ANY emergency room patient due to the fact that there is no medical emergency present.
Our criminal justice system is also bogged down with crimes committed by illegal immigrants. Best estimates place the number of illegal immigrants as about 13 million people. This number represents about 3% of the US population. So why are approximately 30% of the people incarcerated illegal immigrants? These are criminals. They are not in jail for immigration violations. They are in prison for rape, robbery, murder, armed robbery, assault, etc... Does this mean that illegal immigrants are 10 times more likely to be a felon? Well, since they had to break at least one law to get to the US, it leads me to believe that illegal immigrants have more of a general tendency to break other laws.
Last but not least of our issues, is the financial crush that is placed on our social welfare system by illegal immigrants. Those who fraudulently (or even without fraud) obtain subsidized housing, food stamps, LIEAP, WIC, etc... For example, a family that used to live close to me, comprised of two illegal immigrants (mom and dad), and their two children, of which one was here illegally, and the other was a citizen by birth (yep, an anchor baby) in the US. Through their statements to my wife, they were paying $23/month in rent for their subsidized housing unit, which normally rented for $550. They also received food stamps (for the legal child), WIC, (for the legal child), free education, free busing (because of low income), free breakfast/lunch at school, LIEAP (to help pay the utility bills).
The normal cutoff for these programs for a family of this size is about $2000/month. However... since the adults in this family were here illegally, and thus, not able to "legally" hold a job, they were working under assumed names/SSN. Their actual income was over $2500/month. Of course, when you include the nearly $1000/month in subsidies, this same family was able to drive around in a brand new SUV, have their big-screen plasma TV, and of course, money to live their version of, "The American Dream".
After my wife told them she was going to report them for fraud, they mysteriously disappeared one weekend, and I haven't seen them since.
In another story, the Dallas Morning News recently did a series of articles on the Parkland Hospital located in Dallas. This is basically the community/indigent hospital, though it is most famous for being the hospital where JFK was taken after he was shot. This one story about the Parkland Hospital covered some astounding facts. It was reported that 70% of the obstetrics patients in the first quarter of 2006 were found, via survey, to be illegal immigrants. The estimated costs for pre/post-natal care and baby delivery for this one hospital, for one year, is about $52 million (estimated based upon 2004 statistics). For the year reported (2004), Parkland Hospital received $71 million from the State/Federal/County governments. Patient "donations" came to under $200,000.
Here in Topeka, the recent school finance debate was caused by a lawsuit filed by school districts in Salina and Dodge City. Though I couldn't find any financial information on the Dodge City School District, I was able to find some rather interesting information about the plaintiff district of Salina, USD #305 (https://www.usd305.com).
Over 20% of their school budget is dedicated to bi-lingual education. Rather than me telling you about their ESL costs, and the potential costs of illegal immigrants to our educational system, please read it for yourself in the Salina USD's response to a Kansas Survey.
In summary, the mass of illegal immigrants in the US, and the failure of our government to take ANY steps to slow down this invasion, is helping to run our social support infrastructure into the ground.
The most critical issue facing us in the face of this invasion, is the fact that Kansas, like most states, has NO requirement to prove your citizenship when you register to vote. Thus, an illegal immigrant can move in, show a copy of his water bill, and vote in the next election.
As of about 1.5 years ago, 17% of the registered voters in Kansas could not have their voter registration validated against any other registry in the State Government. In other words, they had no drivers license, no State ID, no Tax Return, etc... How many of these are illegal immigrants?
In 2005, there were 160,000 new voter registration applications filled out. 102,000 of those applications were either completely rejected (60,000), or resulted in new registered voters (42,000) who additionally could not have their name/ssn/driver's license number matched against any other state database.
I remember reading one time from a source that I can't remember, that, "The end of a democracy is guaranteed when the voters learn that they can vote themselves their bread and circuses!" (paraphrased). In other words, if we don't stop illegal immigrants from voting, than they will elect their own politicians, who in turn, will provide more rights/benefits to the illegal immigrants, and eventually, they will take over our political system.
If any of this information scares you, than please, contact ALL of your elected officials, at EVERY level, city/county/state/federal, and beg them to please do something to fight this invasion.
Hezbollah, as the militant arm of radical Islam, has repeatedly denied Israel's very right to exist, rejected all Israeli attempts at compromise/appeasement, and has provoked/escalated the conflict wherever possible (except during the cease-fires where it has rearmed and reorganized). They have done this while hiding behind innocent and relatively non-violent Palestinian citizens, in an attempt to divert or minimize Israel's ability to conduct counter operations vs. valid military targets.
Many people who support Israel's right to self-defense, regardless of the cost in human life to those who decided that Israel was THEIR enemy, have asked us to consider how we here in the US would react if Mexican/Canadian radicals started to barrage cities inside our borders with deadly rockets.
However, it seems to me that for the last several decades, we have already been suffering from a constant attack by the Mexican government, and to a lesser extent the Chinese government. Up until now, we, the people of the United States, with duly elected representatives, have done absolutely nothing to stop this invasion. Worse, our government and a good percentage of our local employers have seemingly done everything they can to encourage and assist these invaders.
Until now, our federal government has done NOTHING to slow down, much less, stop, this invasion. Every statement/action they have taken has proven in hindsight to be nothing more than empty rhetoric or token actions.
Our state governments haven't done any better. Many encourage illegal immigrants to their state by providing driver's licenses, subsidized upper education, free medical, low-cost housing and of course, completely free education (with breakfast and lunch) to the children.
Our city and county governments act like ostriches burying their head in the sand, while shrugging their shoulders and blaming the federal/state governments, and saying, "There's nothing WE can do!"
We are currently facing major financial difficulties in the areas of education, healthcare, social welfare, and crime, and though these problems were not caused by illegal immigrants, their very presence significantly exacerbates the problems.
We have recently been hit with an extremely large tax increase in Kansas to finance our public education system for K-12. How much of this was caused by the presence of the children of illegal immigrants? Nobody can tell you because it is against the law for our schools to even ask if a person is a legal/illegal immigrant, much less compile statistics.
However, what is publicly available is the fact that a good percentage of our public school budget is being used to support ESL courses. In other words, to teach students who have limited/no proficiency in the English language. In my families experience, that vast majority (possibly 90%+ of the students in these courses) are children of illegal immigrants, or are illegal immigrants themselves. The classes that my step-daughter (a legal immigrant who has a primary language of Spanish) attended in Richardson ISD in Texas, she was the only student among about 30 who had actually migrated legally to the US.
The same problems can be encountered in our medical care system. Our most expensive health care, emergency room assistance, has now become the provider of choice of illegal immigrants for minor medicals issues such as the sniffles, cuts, scrapes, etc... A large percentage of these illegal immigrants than simply disappear leaving the American public to pay higher taxes/health insurance bills to finance their hospital visit. By law, hospitals also cannot ask the immigration status of a potential patient, nor can they refuse treatment for ANY emergency room patient due to the fact that there is no medical emergency present.
Our criminal justice system is also bogged down with crimes committed by illegal immigrants. Best estimates place the number of illegal immigrants as about 13 million people. This number represents about 3% of the US population. So why are approximately 30% of the people incarcerated illegal immigrants? These are criminals. They are not in jail for immigration violations. They are in prison for rape, robbery, murder, armed robbery, assault, etc... Does this mean that illegal immigrants are 10 times more likely to be a felon? Well, since they had to break at least one law to get to the US, it leads me to believe that illegal immigrants have more of a general tendency to break other laws.
Last but not least of our issues, is the financial crush that is placed on our social welfare system by illegal immigrants. Those who fraudulently (or even without fraud) obtain subsidized housing, food stamps, LIEAP, WIC, etc... For example, a family that used to live close to me, comprised of two illegal immigrants (mom and dad), and their two children, of which one was here illegally, and the other was a citizen by birth (yep, an anchor baby) in the US. Through their statements to my wife, they were paying $23/month in rent for their subsidized housing unit, which normally rented for $550. They also received food stamps (for the legal child), WIC, (for the legal child), free education, free busing (because of low income), free breakfast/lunch at school, LIEAP (to help pay the utility bills).
The normal cutoff for these programs for a family of this size is about $2000/month. However... since the adults in this family were here illegally, and thus, not able to "legally" hold a job, they were working under assumed names/SSN. Their actual income was over $2500/month. Of course, when you include the nearly $1000/month in subsidies, this same family was able to drive around in a brand new SUV, have their big-screen plasma TV, and of course, money to live their version of, "The American Dream".
After my wife told them she was going to report them for fraud, they mysteriously disappeared one weekend, and I haven't seen them since.
In another story, the Dallas Morning News recently did a series of articles on the Parkland Hospital located in Dallas. This is basically the community/indigent hospital, though it is most famous for being the hospital where JFK was taken after he was shot. This one story about the Parkland Hospital covered some astounding facts. It was reported that 70% of the obstetrics patients in the first quarter of 2006 were found, via survey, to be illegal immigrants. The estimated costs for pre/post-natal care and baby delivery for this one hospital, for one year, is about $52 million (estimated based upon 2004 statistics). For the year reported (2004), Parkland Hospital received $71 million from the State/Federal/County governments. Patient "donations" came to under $200,000.
Here in Topeka, the recent school finance debate was caused by a lawsuit filed by school districts in Salina and Dodge City. Though I couldn't find any financial information on the Dodge City School District, I was able to find some rather interesting information about the plaintiff district of Salina, USD #305 (https://www.usd305.com).
Over 20% of their school budget is dedicated to bi-lingual education. Rather than me telling you about their ESL costs, and the potential costs of illegal immigrants to our educational system, please read it for yourself in the Salina USD's response to a Kansas Survey.
In summary, the mass of illegal immigrants in the US, and the failure of our government to take ANY steps to slow down this invasion, is helping to run our social support infrastructure into the ground.
The most critical issue facing us in the face of this invasion, is the fact that Kansas, like most states, has NO requirement to prove your citizenship when you register to vote. Thus, an illegal immigrant can move in, show a copy of his water bill, and vote in the next election.
As of about 1.5 years ago, 17% of the registered voters in Kansas could not have their voter registration validated against any other registry in the State Government. In other words, they had no drivers license, no State ID, no Tax Return, etc... How many of these are illegal immigrants?
In 2005, there were 160,000 new voter registration applications filled out. 102,000 of those applications were either completely rejected (60,000), or resulted in new registered voters (42,000) who additionally could not have their name/ssn/driver's license number matched against any other state database.
I remember reading one time from a source that I can't remember, that, "The end of a democracy is guaranteed when the voters learn that they can vote themselves their bread and circuses!" (paraphrased). In other words, if we don't stop illegal immigrants from voting, than they will elect their own politicians, who in turn, will provide more rights/benefits to the illegal immigrants, and eventually, they will take over our political system.
If any of this information scares you, than please, contact ALL of your elected officials, at EVERY level, city/county/state/federal, and beg them to please do something to fight this invasion.
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