Friday, March 30, 2007

Why Atheism is wrong!

Atheism is a morally corrupt view of both religion and humanity. The primary tenet of Atheism is the premise that humanity is the ultimate ruler of the world, in fact, of the universe itself.

This posting is NOT to try to prove to atheists that there is a God. Rather, it is a posting to reflect on the fact that regardless whether there does exist a God (I believe there is), that we must believe in his existence to maintain our world with at least a semblance of order.

The different beliefs in a being superior to mankind is called religion. Unfortunately, these different religions have caused many wars and long standing 'hot-spots' around the world.

However, imagine the world without religion. Imagine a world that had absolutely no belief in a superior being. Imagine a world where mankind really was the ultimate in evolution. We are our own gods!

This means that since I am a god, and you are a god, I have my own moral principles that are equivalent to anybody else in society, and thus, I can do what I want to do, and your silly laws mean nothing. After all, where did our 'morality' come from? It came from belief in a higher power!

Without having God, or Allah, or Yahweh, where would our species be? Would we have advanced to this point or would we still be slinging rocks at each other playing king of the mountain?

Who gave us our morality? It wasn't man. It was man's belief in God.


Lawrence said...

Aetheism is hypocritical in that it embraces moral aspects of religion provides society, while rejecting the theology and God that provides that moral foundation.

A practical examples, is the core beliefs that fues ideologies such as environmentalism. Environmentalists often embraces the freedoms our nation provides, while at the same time rejecting the power and energy it takes to maintain such political and societal freedoms.

Keith's Ramblings said...

I recently wrote a piece on this subject myself. I started writing with an open mind and rambled on in the hope that I would arrive at a satisfactory conclusion. I did not! The only thing I decided was that atheism, or indeed a belief in a higher being, is not something that you can decide to follow. You either have a belief or you don't. On that basis, who is to say whether either Atheism, or relgion, are wrong.

fangers said...

Keith, one of the people on Helium wrote an extremely interesting article on this topic. It is at:

The authors name is Stephen Scheele and I was frankly taken aback by his conclusions that are actually rather obvious once you see them.