Friday, June 15, 2007

What kind of atheist are you?

One of the people I have had numerous minor debates with (avowed agnostic vs. avowed theist) offered me a challenge the other day. It was an interesting challenge as she directed me to a website to take a test called, “What kind of Atheist are you?”. At first I thought she was kidding, but, I went out and took the test. The results were a surprise.
After all the times that I have been called an ignorant right-wing radical Christian, I expected to find out that I made for a bad atheist (at least according to atheist standards), however, much to my surprise, this test decided that I should be considered an Agnostic who believes in God. The results rather astounded me, so I took it again, with almost identical results.

Agnostic 100%
Theist 75%
Apathetic Atheist 58%
Spiritual Atheist 42%
Scientific Atheist 33%
Militant Atheist 8%
Angry Atheist 8%

You can try this little quiz out for yourself, and I have no idea what the accuracy of it would or should be, but, it’s all in a bit of fun:
The Atheist’s Quiz

Of course, once again, this gave me something to think about, so I did. And finally, all that I could do was just accept that this test was going to keep insisting that I was an agnostic.

Of course, no test of this type is going to be able to analyze the inner working of someone in a manner of five minutes or so, but it will be able to give you some food for thought.

So what is your score?

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