Thursday, March 30, 2006

People Protesting for Illegal Immigrants

People make a big deal of how 500,000 people protested in LA to protect the "rights" of the illegal immigrants.

Yes, this is definitely a lot of people!

However, how many of those 500,000 people were illegal immigrants? Who we were going to start calling felons!

How many MORE people would we have protesting if we decided to outlaw Christianity? How many MORE people would we have protesting if we decided that we were going to make people dealing in sexually oriented areas FELONS? How many more people would we have protesting if we decided that the food stamp program should be discontinued?

I dare to say that if any of those situations happened, we would easily exceed the 500,000 protesting in Los Angeles. And we would DEFINITELY have more people across the US protesting!

But the main difference would be, in all of those cases, we would be taking a legal privilege/right, and making it illegal!

In the current protests, we are doing nothing more than emphasizing that illegal behaviour is still illegal behaviour.

Many arguments are thrown out by the protestors:
  1. Americans are anti-immigrant
  2. Americans are racist against hispanics
  3. This country (SW US area) is traditionally Spanish and belongs to us
  4. This policy will break apart families

Well, let me address these issues...

  1. I am not anti-immigrant, in fact, my wife and step-daughter are both immigrants! I fully support LEGAL immigration.
  2. Racist? I love my family, who ALL have at least 1/4 Hispanic and 1/4 Japanese blood. Oh my gosh! My wife is 1/2 Japanese and 1/2 South American Latino! Ruh roh, I've got Irish, English, French and Indian (american type) blood IN ME!!! Better figure which one of those nationalities I am and kick all the rest out!
  3. Your country? Since when have we had a border dispute with Mexico? Of course, even so, we have it, we hold it, we improved it, so no, it is NOT yours! And if it WAS yours, than the people there would have voted a long time ago to join Mexico. Remember the Mexican/American war? You lost!
  4. Who cares? Nobody told these immigrants to come here illegally KNOWING that they could be deported at any time, and said, "Hey, fall in love with that person, and marry them!" Children born and raised here? Fine, we are not separating the family, we are simply deporting an illegal immigrant. You can feel free to take your family with you.

These protests are bogus in that I feel that a VERY high percentage are illegals who are simply afraid of the US actually ENFORCING existing laws. They have lived here KNOWING that they are here illegally, and KNOWING that they could be deported at any time, and these protests are simply to show that they won't allow us to enforce our own laws, in our own country, without a fight.

Oh, the school children walking out of school? How many of THEM were illegals?

Immigrants, I welcome you with open arms! Illegals, if they ever allow it, I will shoot you on sight! I detest you, I detest your ignorance, and I detest your mightier than though because I'm getting away with breaking the law!

Vuelve te a su propio pais!!

US Congress Bill for stopping (ROFL) illegal immigration

I wish that this were good news!

Unfortunately, the US Senate (with the able assistance of our Kansas State Senator Sam Brownback), had just thrown out the House of Representatives effort to address illegal immigration.

Their solution is.... Amnesty! Oh, but.... it's not an amnesty!!! They have to pay a $2000 fine! and then it will STILL take 11 years to obtain citizenship! AND have a guest worker program to allow people to CONTINUE coming in (not even content with the 10-22 Million people we're already going to forgive, huh?)

Problems that I see going forward with this crazy idea:

1. Amnesty - Simply creates MORE incentive for illegal immigrants to find better and better ways to force their way into our country. What incentive do they have for NOT coming now?
2. Blessing of Family - How many of these illegal immigrants are men or women who are in the US alone? having left their spouse and family behind to come here for a few years, make their money, and get out? With amnesty and "permanent residence", they can now invite their children, spouse, and parents to come. Thus, where we currently have one illegal, we are now going to say, ok, you can stay DESPITE your disregard for our laws, and sure, bring in your spouse, five kids, your parents, and your spouses parents, for a total of TEN more immigrants!
2a. Also, once they are here, the parents can then sponsor all of their other children to immigrate to the US, and through them, their children and spouses, etc...
3. Enforcement - For those illegals who choose NOT to register because they are afraid of what their background investigations will find.... how do you track them down?
4. For guest workers who come to the country legally, than have a child here, and the child is a US citizen, how do you than say they must leave the country?
5. Current immigrations law requires a legal immigrant to have a SPONSOR and a GUARANTOR! Who will be the sponsor of these illegals? Who will be the guarantor? The job of the guarantor is to provide economically for the immigrant in the case that immigrant does not "make it" economically. This is to ensure that the Government is NOT responsible economically until that same immigrant has completed a certain amount of time inside the US and working!

Here is my attempt at a solution...

1. NO amnesty!
2. Change the following laws:
a. Children born inside the US, that do not have a father or mother who is a PERMANENT legal resident or US Citizen, do not automatically get US Citizenship.
b. Guest workers may bring their spouse and children only.
c. Illegal immigrants, and immigrants who overstay their Visa are considered felons. When found, by ANY law enforcement agency, they must be arrested, and deported as soon as possible. The only exceptions would be for immigrants from those select countries (i.e. Cuba) where refugee status is appropriate.
d. In the case that this foolish amnesty becomes law.... Do NOT allow any of these newly legal immigrants to sponsor ANY other immigrants until such time as they obtain US Citizenship.
e. In the case that this foolish amnesty becomes law.... Require that these people who so desire to live in the US and become citizens STAY here. No more visits out of country until such time as they have proven that yes indeed, they really DO want to become US citizens.
3. Any immigrant, legal, illegal, etc... found GUILTY of any type of felony crime must serve out a criminal sentence in the US, than be deported, regardless of family ties or circumstances.
4. Employers MUST be punished for utilizing illegal workers. A non-negotiable $10,000 per instance fine would be acceptable. In other words, if an illegal worked for 5 days at a company, that company would be liable for a $50,000 fine. And if this means a company closes down because of stupidity, than they should not have utilized illegal workers.
a. Trying to say "They showed us their SS card and their proof of legal residency" does not cut it. When you have one name on the payroll, and they use a TOTALLY different name with their co-workers, and they constantly sign the payroll using a different name (yes, I have seen this, and I saw the company turn a blind eye to it, i.e. Hey, you need to come sign the payroll again using the right name).
5. Step up border enforcement, both over land and over sea. Authorize the use of deadly force, as this IS an invasion of our borders.