Friday, October 06, 2006

Left vs. Right - Why they will never get along

While listening to one of those famous talk radio shows last night, a thought was triggered in my mind that simply won't let go.

We constantly hear about partisanship, moderation, compromise and bilateral solutions... but tell me, when will our left-wingers and right-wingers ever be able to work together?

A few years ago, I thought that if a few key people would open their minds and listen to each other, many of the conservative and liberal differences could be minimized, and solutions reached to some of our large problems. However, now, I feel that this would be impossible.

The differences between the liberals and the conservatives in this country is actually based upon fundamental differences in what they believe in. Some examples are:

1. A fetus is not a "human" until it is born, vs. a fetus is a "human" from the point of conception. This difference seems minor when you read it, but the impact is millions of babies aborted each and every year in the United States.
2. Rehabilitation vs. Punishment - The thought that we are responsible for teaching criminals to be good citizens vs. the act of punishing people for evil things done. For example, men who sexually abuse girls under the age of ten for several years, than get 60 days in jail because the judge felt they were good citizens or whatever.... What happened to the believe that certain acts that we, as a society, have defined as crimes, MUST be punished?
3. Black and White vs. Gray - Standards are defined, and must be followed? or standards are defined but are simply a guideline which may be changed depending on your individual circumstances? Illegal immigrants get more rights/privileges than LEGAL immigrants, because they "are here because they are poor and desperate, and it's not THEIR fault!"

We are a country rapidly on the road to a revolution. The revolution may be peaceful, or it may become extremely bloody and violent. Until we start meaning what we say, and saying what we mean, than we are simply going to continue down this path. People MUST take responsibility for their actions, and must pay for the harm they do to others!