Saturday, April 01, 2006

Letter to Senator Sam Brownback on Immigration Reform

This is a copy and paste version of the e-mail I sent to Senator Sam Brownback:

To the Honorable Senator Sam Brownback:


Any position that allows an illegal immigrant to remain in the United States while awaiting a transition to "legal" status is wrong.

When I applied for my wife and step-daughters Visas in 1995, I was in New York, they were in Bolivia. After two years and three months waiting on the Visas, I resigned my position and moved to Bolivia to reunite the family. In 2000, I moved back to the US alone looking for work due to the crash of the Bolivian economy, once again, leaving my wife, step-daughter and son. FINALLY, in December of 2001, the Visa's were finally approved, and in January of 2002, my entire family was reunited in the US.

6.5 years to obtain a Visa for my WIFE, AFTER we had children.

The reason? Well, mainly because the Embassy in Bolivia kept requiring "evidence" that the paperwork we had wasn't "purchased" paperwork for obtaining a Visa using a false name.

As I was born and raised in Kansas, and as I had family here in Kansas, while I was in Bolivia, my family asked of your office for some assistance in clearing the red-tape (late 1998 or 1999 or so), and were told that "he's not one of our constituents".

Well, your support for ILLEGAL immigration and your refusal to support my family trying to immigrate LEGALLY is very disappointing. You have lost a Republican Vote, and I WILL be publicizing this as much as possible.

I would rather have Hillary Clinton supporting me as my Senator, as I would expect this from her.

You Sir are a coward for not standing up for what is RIGHT, and you are a hypocrite for supporting illegal aliens more than American Citizens.

Go get your Mexican flag, and head out to Alma, Junction City and all points West to campaign with all these newfound illegals as voters!

You Hypocrite!


R.A. said...

Did you get any response? Your story shows how broken the system is, and how little the politicians want to actually fix any of it.

fangers said...

So far, no response at all from good ol Sam.

I guess that I'm just as important as the illegals in his mind.

I'd rather vote Ted Kennedy into office knowing what to expect, rather than another vote for Brownback.

On almost any issue, I don't mind if his opinion doesn't agree with mine, but I certainly didn't vote for him this last time so that he could allow criminals to bypass the immigration process...