Sunday, September 03, 2006

Illegal Immigrants and Crime

Just a summary of headlines:

Illegal immigrant accused of impregnating 10-year-old girl

Mexican Immigrant Arrested in Boston

16-Year-Old Charged With Involuntary Manslaughter

Gang Terrorizes train in France
(not the US, but soon to be arriving here)

44 Indicted for Immigrant Visa Sham

Illegal Immigrant Crime Wave

And there are plenty more. Even here in Topeka, though the Topeka Capitol Journal hasn't bothered saying it, look at the Cabello case. How many of the "recent arrivals" to our town, who didn't speak English, were actually illegal immigrants?

The two people who were killed by Cabello? Cabello himself? the person riding with Cabello?

I could just keep posting more and more headlines, but do me favor... simply do a google search on "Illegal Immigrant Crime" and you will find tons of hits.

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