Saturday, April 14, 2007

Democracy is never free

Let the people vote! With all of the options for presidential candidates, it is only appropriate to allow our citizens to make their own selections as to who is best to represent our views to the world.
However, many legislators believe that a primary is ‘too expensive’ and that we Kansans are ‘not important’ enough to merit holding primary elections for the 2008 presidential race. We’ve thrown $40 million (so far) in cost overruns (I believe $173 million in total more or less) on rebuilding the state capitol, yet we cannot afford $2 million for our people to vote. Talk about pinching a penny while the dollars run out the door.
The alternative is to allow the political parties to decide who the candidate will be? Regardless of whom is chosen, people will be offended. On the Republican side, will Brownback get the nod because he is the home state candidate? Or will we give the nod to Giuliani? Romney the Mormon? or maybe McCain?
What do legislators such as Tom Sawyer of Wichita have against a primary? Is it that he, a member of the Democratic party does not believe in democracy? Maybe he should change his affiliation to the “undemocratic” party instead.
If you can afford nearly $200 million to refurbish the capitol building, isn’t it worth it to spend $2 million to confirm the democracy that defines the reason that building even exists? Why don’t you want to see democracy in action? I’ve never heard a Congressmen fretting over a ‘mere’ $2 million before... so why now?
Keep your eyes on our congress, and let them know that you want to stand up for democracy, not on the selection of the elitists currently running the parties.

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