Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Black and White! No Grey!

It always amazes me the vehemence with which the radical left makes personal attacks on those who dare to stand up and say that wrong is wrong. They battle over semantics, they try to baffle with falsified facts, and they do everything possible to paint those who would do “the right thing” as hypocrites, bigots, or worse.

Fortunately, there are a still some people that believe that “wrong” means “wrong”. Those from the radical left would love to have us believe that there is no black or white, but simply various shades of grey. They believe that extenuating circumstances provide an excuse for those who knowingly and willingly violate the rights of others. But, I believe they are really trying to say is that they have the right to cause harm to others.

The people who complain about someone using the word “God” in school because it might “offend” their children, are the same people who defend the right of adults to rape and sodomize children. Of course, to them, it is simply an “alternate lifestyle” or a “personal choice.” They won’t openly admit their support of these types of “alternate lifestyles” that victimize innocent children, but they certainly come out fighting for the rights of those found guilty of it.

They demand that we remove our “offensive” religion so they do not have to see or hear it, while demanding that we must be “tolerant” of their views. They force their perversions on others through violence and coercion; they force their belief (or lack of belief) on others through the courts, and then, when somebody shows them their own bigotry and intolerance, they fabricate lies and innuendos to attack the values, not simply of the individual who said it, but of the country that Americans built.

But I have a message for radicals out there. Whether you like it or not. Americans, on the whole, are the most compassionate and tolerant people in the world. And the vast majority of Americans truly believe that the law is something that is to be followed. There is a “black” and there is a “white”, and the moral relativism of those radicals who who insist everything is grey, simply demonstrates their own values, morals and ethics. It shows their incapability to actually distinguish the right from the wrong.

There is a black, there is a white; there is a right, and there is a wrong. And if you or your family are ever the victim of one of these people who want to say that wrong is right, maybe then, you’ll understand. There are some things worth standing up for.

You can email Alan at twenty-four hours a day.


morgetron said...

I think I'm the greyest person on the planet. My parents used to call me "Henry" when I was three-years-old because they said I was such a diplomat. (They were referring to Kissinger.)

Generally speaking, I can understand and empathize with both (or all ten) sides of the story.

Now that I'm older, I like to play Devil's Advocate and will argue the other side whether I agree with it or not.

Greyishly yours,

Patti Winters said...

Great articles Alan. I agree with most of what you say and by removing God from everything they are in effect promoting humanism which is a religion according to the supreme court so therefore are choosing one religion over another. Just a thought to put out there for another article for you.

On a side note, how did I become Helium Hotty??