Saturday, May 05, 2007

Iraq - Take 1

Lately, I have heard some people becoming increasingly vocal about our troops serving in Iraq. As I hold many controversial views, I am used to having people throw out opposing opinions, however, I do have one favor to ask; Please, if you want to throw out an opinion, don’t include fabricated facts, false characterizations, or flat out mistruths to try and justify your position.

In case you have forgotten some of the facts that you are now attempting to contradict, let me reiterate why the United States went to Iraq.

1. The United Nations passed 17 resolutions telling Saddam Hussein that if he didn’t take a certain action or stop a certain action, penalties up and including military action would be taken against Iraq.

2. There is indisputable evidence that Saddam Hussein had been in possession of WMD (Chemical). He used these weapons to mass murder several Kurdish villages in Northern Iraq.

3. There was evidence that Saddam Hussein had destroyed some of his stockpiles of chemical weapons, but not all.

4. There was credible but unconfirmed evidence that Saddam Hussein still had stockpiles of WMD. Saddam Hussein ignored all UN resolutions to give access for UN inspectors.

5. The vast majority of the world, especially in the US, believed that Saddam Hussein retained a significant stockpile of WMD.

6. There was evidence that Al Qaeda was operating in Iraq. There were suspicions that Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden were attempting to set up a relationship.

7. Al Qaeda committed the 9/11 terror attacks, and had promised more attacks on the US

8. Saddam Hussein + WMD + Al Qaeda + Osama bin Laden = A significant threat to the safety and security of the United States.

9. President Bush, with FULL BIPARTISAN support, invaded Iraq in order to depose a tyrannical despot to eliminate one possible source of WMD terrorist attacks on US soil.

In other words, in compliance with many UN resolutions, and by Iraq’s outright refusal to comply with the cease fire signed in 1991 after their illegal invasion of Kuwait, the US legally invaded Iraq and removed Saddam Hussein from power.

Unfortunately, our President, George W. Bush is tasked with protecting the American public from all enemies foreign and domestic. He did not have the luxury of wondering whether George Tenet was right or wrong when he said that Iraq was in possession of WMD. His job was to protect American lives.

I am proud that our President is a man who was able to make the hard decision to invade Iraq. I am proud that George Bush is our President, and that he is doing the job we elected him to do.
Regardless of how you would like to spin history, every single person of power in the United States came to the same conclusion as our President, and wholeheartedly supported the invasion of Iraq.

There was no lie, there was no deception, and those who continue to spout that we are in Iraq due to ‘a lie’ or that the war is ‘illegal’ are simply denying the state of the world at that time.

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