Sunday, May 27, 2007

My belief in God

Many today have stood up and yelled, “There is no God!” They ridicule people like myself who believe that our world was created by a higher power, and they laugh when we talk about Heaven or we talk about Hell. They call people like Senator Brownback “ignorant”, not because of what he does, but simply because he dares to believe in something they don’t.
Those who are the source of this ridicule are just as bad as those purveyors of hate at Westboro Baptist. Both are the epitome of intolerance.
I am proud of my belief in God. I am proud to bear the gifts that he has given me. I am proud to be one of those who is so feared by others, that they have to fling insults and pejoratives my way.
My life is mine, and I don’t claim to be an outstanding Christian, but I will never give up my belief in God simply because someone else has a “theory”, no matter how well supported it may be.
However, I would like to ask some questions of those who I know are reading this:
1. With all of our modern technology, and with our ever-advancing knowledge in the sciences, has ANYBODY every gotten an amoeba to form and spontaneously come to life under any conditions?
2. With all of our modern computing technology that can perform billions of operations per second, has anyone EVER been able to simulate the supposed evolution of amoeba to man?
3. Why does my belief in a divine power offend you?
My God is big enough to accept your science, but is your science big enough to accept my God?


Anonymous said...

My sentiments exactly Alan! Believe it or not, I was a faithful Christian for 16.5 years. I've since, backslid. I keep telling myself that I need to get back to the place I once knew. In his presence there is fullness of joy, and at his right hand there are pleasures for evermore!

It is a rather difficult journey back though. I feel His constant gentle tug on my heart strings. Although I ignore him, he faithfully stands at the door knocking.


fangers said...

Aye... Same here.

morgetron said...

I am a Christian also Alan. I don't claim to be perfect or ideal by any stretch of the imagination, which is one of the reasons being a Christian is so awesome. He loves me anyway.

Deirdre said...

Howdy Alan, Deirdre here. I also am a fairly strong Christian. I enjoy the joy everday that knowing Jesus brings. Be Blessed. Deirdre