Monday, February 12, 2007

Giuliani for President? Not!

The year was 2001, and the date was September 11. Never before did a mayor of a US city step up and face a disaster as Rudy Giuliani did in New York City. However, the United States is not New York City, and we, as a people, do NOT support illegal immigrants getting a free pass, nor do we all support government financed abortions, and we, the people have voted overwhelmingly against gay marriage.
The largest (or the second largest) challenge facing our nation is illegal immigration. Whether it is the destruction of our social support networks, the increasing crime rates, the importation of poverty, or the contagion of diseases brought in by those who cross the border illegally, it will destroy our country sooner or later.

Rudy Giuliani considers illegal immigrants to be upstanding and honest citizens, DESPITE having broke the law with their first step into our country.

It may already be too late, but at least we must make the attempt to avoid a future of bankruptcy, social decay and possibly even armed revolution. It starts with choosing a leader who will protect the country rather than sell it out for political expediency.

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