Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Political Rhetoric

The US House and Senate have successfully wasted several days to let everyone to know how they feel about the “troop surge”. What a waste of time! Non-binding resolutions mean nothing. They are rhetoric for you to use next year in the heat of your reelection campaigns. They are sound bites so that you can later say, “Look what I wanted, but those evil (democrats/republicans) wouldn't allow it!”

This is not a new topic that you need more time to review the evidence, ponder the consequences, then make your decision. You have had years to study it!

If you think the war should stop, then quit funding it!

Don't stand in front of the American people saying that you don't support the war, but then vote once again to fund it! Quit straddling the fence!

As I am sure most of us have heard before, “Either put up, or shut up!”

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